Difference between Baseline Start/Finish and Start/Finish
This post will go over the Start and Finish Dates that can be set in the Microsoft Project application. The Baseline Start/Finish and the Actual Start/Finish dates are different. See the note below that clarifies the difference and what each Start and Finish dates are and how to view in the Microsoft Project application. 1. After you completely plan your project with complete task, resource, and assignment information, the Start and Finish fields contain the original "planned" dates for every task in your project. At this point, you should click Tools > Tracking > Set Baseline to save a baseline for your project. When you save a baseline, Microsoft Project 2007 captures the current Duration, Start date, Finish date, Work, and Cost for every task in the project in a corresponding set of Baseline fields. The software also captures the Work and Cost information for every resource, and captures the time phased Work and Cost information you can see in either the Ta...