
Showing posts from August, 2015

OAM architecture

OAM Architecture Components Oracle Access Manager is a typical 3 component model that consists of Enforcement point (10g and 11g Webgate, 10g mod_osso, OpenSSO and other custom access gates based on Access SDK) that intercepts all the requests going to protected application and allows authenticated and authorized users to access the application. In addition to that enforcement points can, based on configuration, enhance the request being sent to protected application by adding HTTP Headers containing user information which can be consumed by the protected application. Service point (Oracle Access Manager Server) - provides the various services that can be consumed by enforcement points, end users (e.g. federation, social), applications (e.g. Security Token Service, mobile) Administration point (Oracle Access Administrator Server, wlst scripts, command line tools like rreg) - primarily a ADF based web application that is used to configure and manage the application.

Install Oracle OAM

Oracle Identity and Access Management Search this site Home Oracle Access Manager Architecture Managing Web Single Sign on Operations Application on-boarding Archive and purge Infrastructure Changes Install Oracle Access Manager Before you begin OAM Server Webgate Patching Starting and Stopping Servers Security Token Service Oracle Identity Manager Sitemap This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License . Links Thoughts on Identity and Access Management Oracle Identity and Access Management Thoughts in general Google+ Home ‎ > ‎ Oracle Access Manager ‎ > ‎ Operations ‎ > ‎ Install Oracle Access Manager ‎ > ‎ Before you begin Contents 1  Downloads 2  Setting up Oracle Enterprise Linux 3  Redhat Enterprise Linux (5.3) on