export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/oracle
export MW_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/middleware
export WL_HOME=$MW_HOME/wlserver_10.3
export DOMAIN_HOME=/u01/oracle/iam_domain/oam_domain
export ORACLE_COMMON=$MW_HOME/oracle_common

If admin server is located on different drive, then change the DOMAIN_HOME when using the start admin script

Specific env: admin server located in shared drive, managed server on individual host drives

OFMW Enterprise Deployment Guide for Oracle Identity Management 11.1.2  Link

2.4.1 Directory Structure Terminology and Environment Variables

This section describes directory structure terminology and environment variables.
  • ORACLE_BASE: This environment variable and related directory path refers to the base directory under which Oracle products are installed. For example:u01/app/oracle
  • MW_HOME: This environment variable and related directory path refers to the location where Oracle Fusion Middleware resides. A MW_HOME has a WL_HOME, anORACLE_COMMON_HOME and one or more ORACLE_HOMEs. An example of a typical MW_HOME is ORACLE_BASE/product/fmw
  • WL_HOME: This environment variable and related directory path contains installed files necessary to host a WebLogic Server, for example MW_HOME/wlserver_10.3.
  • ORACLE_HOME: This environment variable points to the location where an Oracle Fusion Middleware product, such as Oracle HTTP Server, Oracle SOA Suite, or Oracle Internet Directory is installed and the binaries of that product are being used in a current procedure. For example: MW_HOME/iam
  • ORACLE_COMMON_HOME: This environment variable and related directory path refer to the location where the Oracle Fusion Middleware Common Java Required Files (JRF) Libraries and Oracle Fusion Middleware Enterprise Manager Libraries are installed. An example is: MW_HOME/oracle_common
  • Domain directory: This path refers to the file system location where the Oracle WebLogic domain information (configuration artifacts) is stored. Different WebLogic Servers can use different domain directories even when in the same node as described Section 2.4.2, "Recommended Locations for the Different Directories."
  • ORACLE_INSTANCE: An Oracle instance contains one or more system components, such as Oracle Web Cache, Oracle HTTP Server, or Oracle Internet Directory. An Oracle instance directory contains updatable files, such as configuration files, log files, and temporary files. An example is: ORACLE_BASE/admin/ohs_inst1
  • ASERVER_HOME: This is the location of the artifacts related to the WebLogic Administration Server. These artifacts are kept separate from those belonging to managed servers to allow the Administration server to be independently managed and failed over. A typical example is: ORACLE_BASE/admin/IDMDomain/aserver
  • MSERVER_HOME: This is the location of artifacts related to managed servers. These are stored separately from the Administration server. A typical example is:ORACLE_BASE/admin/IDMDomain/mserver


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