
Showing posts from October, 2018

How to provision users in bulk to Active Directory Group with OIM

How to provision users in bulk into Active Directory Group with Oracle Identity Manager OIM. Oracle Identity Manager (OIM) can integrate with Active Directory as a target system for provisioning users in Active Directory. With Oracle Identity Manager as the central Identity Management system one can manage, provision, deprovision or terminate user accounts as per the policy defined in OIM. The OIM connector for Microsoft Active Directory User Management is required for this integration. With this connector in place OIM can manage the lifecyle of user accounts in Active Directory. There are situations where there is a need to provision hundreds of users. This is a typical scenario where one needs to bulk provision users into a Active Directory Group via OIM. (instead of provisioning users one by one manually which can be tedious and time consuming). This post deals with provisioning users to a Group in Active Directory (provisioning users to AD is a related but different use case...

How to check Certificate Revocation

Here is a good post from a blog about Certification Revocation (original blog is here) my  last post , I examined the reasons why certificate revocation is important to enterprise security. Now I’ll walk you through the steps you need to follow to check for revoked certificates. Certificates are believed to be ‘good’ unless we’re told otherwise, so certificate authorities simply need to maintain lists of ‘bad’ certificates that have been revoked. These lists are then made available so that anyone can query the status of a certificate. For the most part, if the certificate we are checking does not appear on a list, we can assume it’s okay. How can a compromised certificate be used in an attack? Read More. Many methods exist for publishing and querying these lists but few of them are widely used. This is largely because the methods are slow, prone to failure or are just plain complicated to understand and implement. So, what are the methods and what pr...