
OIM 11gR1 decrypt password

Image OIM 11g R1: Getting OIM User Decrypted Password Version:   Oracle Identity Manager 11g R1 Description:  If you look at the OIM.USR table, you'll notice that the password column is encrypted. There are several ways to get the password decrypted. I'll be showing you how to get the decrypted password by querying from the OIM database using the tcDataBaseClient. This requires you to set the client handle with the OIMClient object. The user who is logged in for the OIMClient needs to be an End-User Administrator in order to use the tcDatabaseClient. The “Design Console Access” attribute on the OIM User Profile determines whether a user is an End-User or an End-User Administrator. Below is a java application to get all the OIM users' passwords in plain text.  Note: You can also query the OIM.PCQ table to get users' challenge questions and answers. ? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8...