HTTP get
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What follows is a primer on the key security-oriented
characteristics of the HTTP protocol. It’s a collection of a number of
different sub-topics,explained in
my own way, for the purpose of having a single reference point when needed.
- Basics
- Query Strings,
Parameters, and Ampersands
- URL Encoding
- Authentication
- HTTP Requests
- Request Methods
- HTTP Responses
- Status / Response
- HTTP Headers
- Proxies
- Cookies
- Message-based
You make a request, you get a response. - Line-based
Lines are quite significant in HTTP. Each header is on an individual line (each line ends with a <crlf>), and a blank line separates the header section from the optional body section. - Stateless
HTTP doesn’t have the concept of state built-in, which is why things like cookies are used to track users within and across sessions.
- Query
Strings (?)
A query string is defined by using the question mark (?) character after the URL being requested, and it defines what is being sent to the web application for processing. They are typically used to pass the contents of HTML forms, and are encoded using name:value pairs.
- Parameters
In the request above the parameter is the “query” value–presumably indicating it’s what’s being searched for. It is followed by an equals sign (=) and then the value of the parameter.
- The
Ampersand (&)
Ampersands are used to separate a list of parameters being sent to the same form, e.g. sending a query value, a language, and a verbose value to a search form.
[ Ampersands are not mentioned in the HTTP spec itself;
they are used as a matter of convention. ]
URL encoding seems more tricky than it is. It’s basically a
workaround for a single rule in RFC 1738, which states that:
…Only alphanumerics [0-9a-zA-Z], the special characters
“$-_.+!*'(),” [not including the quotes – ed], and reserved characters used for
their reserved purposes may be used unencoded within a URL.
The issue is that humans are inclined to use far more than
just those characters, so we need some way of getting the larger range of
characters transformed into the smaller, approved set. That’s what URL Encoding
does. As mentioned here in a most excellent piece on the topic,
there are a few basic groups of characters that need to be encoded:
Control Characters: because they’re not printable.
Characters: because they’re not in the approved set (see the
requirement above from RFC 1738). This includes the upper portion of the
ISO-Latin character set (see my encoding primer to
learn more about character sets)
- Reserved
Characters: these are kind of like system variables in
programming–they mean something within URLs, so they can’t be used outside
of that meaning.
- Dollar
- Ampersand
- Plus
- Comma
- Forward
slash/Virgule (“/”)
- Colon
- Semi-colon
- Equals
- Question
mark (“?”)
- ‘At’
symbol (“@”)
- Unsafe
Characters: characters that could be misunderstood and cause
- Space
( )
- Quotes
- Less
Than and Greater Than Symbols (<>)
- Pound
- Percent
- Curly
Braces ({})
- The
Pipe Symbol (|)
- Backslash
- Caret
- Tilde
- Square
Brackets ([ ])
- Backtick
For any of these characters listed that can’t (or shouldn’t
be) be put in a URL natively, the following encoding algorithm must be used to
make it properly URL-encoded:
- Find
the ISO
8859-1 code point for the character in question
- Convert
that code point to two characters of hex
- Append
a percent sign (%) to the front of the two hex characters
This is why you see so many instances of %20 in your URLs.
That’s the URL-encoding for a space.
Here are the primary HTTP authentication types:
- A
user requests page protected by basic auth
- Server
sends back a 401 and a WWW-Authenticate header with the value of basic
- The
client takes his username and password–separated by a colon–and Base64
encodes it
- The
client then sends that value in an Authorization header, like
so:Authorization: Basic BTxhZGRpbjpbcGAuINMlc2FtZC==
[ As the authors of The
Web Application Hacker’s Handbook point out, Basic Authentication
isn’t as bad as people make it out to be. Or, to be more precise, it’s no worse
than Forms-based Authentication (the most common type). The reason for this is
simple: Both send credentials in plain-text by default (actually, at least
Basic offers Base64, whereas Forms-based isn’t even encoded). Either way, the
only way for either protocol to even approach security is by adding SSL/TLS. ]
- A
user requests page protected by digest auth
- The
server sends back a 401 and a WWW-Authenticate header with the
value of digest along with a nonce value and a realm value
- The
user concatenates his credentials with the nonce and realm and uses that
as input to MD5 to produce one has (HA1)
- The
user concatenates the method and the URI to create a second MD5 hash (HA2)
- The
user then sends an Authorize header with the realm, nonce, URI,
and the response–which is the MD5 of the two previous hashes combined
Forms-based Authentication
This is the most common type of web authentication, and it
works by presenting a user with an HTML form for entering his/her username and
password, and then sends those values to the server for verification. Some
things to note:
- The
login information should be sent via POST rather than GET
- The
POST should be sent over HTTPS, not in the clear
- Ideally,
the entire login page itself should be HTTPS, not just the page that the
credentials are being sent to
Shown below is a typical structure of a login form (this one
<form name="loginform"
class="login-form" id="adminbarlogin"
Notice that the action URL is HTTPS, which means
that the credentials entered into the form will be sent encrypted to that page.
Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA)
IWA isn’t an authentication protocol itself, but rather a
means of assigning a preferential order to various protocols, such as Kerberos,
NTLM Authentication (NTLMSSP)
This is being replaced with Kerberos now,
but it’s still out there.
- Client
sends a Type 1 message telling the server what it supports in terms of key
sizes, etc.
- The
server responds with its own list of supported values, as well as a
pseudo-randomly generated challenge in a Type 2 message
- The
user concatenates his credentials with the challenge, implements MD5 and
DES, and sends the response back to the server in a Type 3 message
There are four parts to an HTTP request:
- The
Request Line: the method, the URL, the version of the protocol
- The
Request Headers [OPTIONAL]: a series of lines (one per) in the format
of name, colon(:), and the value of the header.
- A
Blank Line: required, worth mentioning by itself.
- The
Request Body [OPTIONAL]: Used in POST requests to send content to
the server.
This most-commonly-used method is used mostly to retrieve
something from the server, but it can also be used to send information via
parameters. There is no body in a GET request, but the blank line is still
sent after the headers. GET requests are often logged and are sent in
referrer headers, so no sensitive information should ever be sent using this
This method sends performs actions. The
content sent can be located either in the URL query string or within the body
of the message. POST should always be used to perform actions on the server,
such as logging in, etc.
Tells the server to echo back whatever is sent by the
client. Highly significant for Reflected XSS, obviously.
Sends data to the server like POST, but as an upload
rather than for processing. Think of it like FTP’s PUT command.
Just like a GET request, only it returns just the headers
of the response.
Deletes stuff.
Retrieves a list of the methods supported by the server.
Used to connect to resources through a proxy.
There are four parts to an HTTP response:
- The
Response Line: the version of the protocol, the status code, the
status code description (OK, Not Found, etc.)
- The
Response Headers: a series of lines (one per) in the format of
name, colon(:), and the value of the header.
- A
Blank Line: required, worth mentioning by itself.
- The
Response Body: contains the response from the server.
Here are the main categories:
- 100’s
:: Informational
- 200’s
:: Success
- 300’s
:: Redirection
- 400’s
:: Client Error
- 500’s
:: Server Error
And here are some of the more common ones that are related
to security:
200 – OK
This most-commonly-seen response code, and it means that
the resource you asked for was there, and that it has been returned to you.
301 – Moved Permanently
Tells the client that the resource that was asked for has
been moved permanently, and supplies a new URL that should be used instead
from now on via the Location:header.
302 – Found (Used to be “temporary-redirect”)
This is the most common redirect code, but it actually has
multiple sub-types that have been broken out in HTTP 1.1 (303/307); most
servers still use 302, however, even though they should be using 303 or 307
303 – See Other
The proper, HTTP 1.1 way of sending a client to another
page, indicated in the Location: header); tells the browser to get
the new page via GET, regardless of what the original method was; commonly
used after POST, e.g. being sent to your account_summary page after logging
in; see 307 also.
304 – Not Modified
Tells the client that the resource hasn’t been modified
since last requested; works based on the client sending theIf-Modified-Since header
beforehand to check against.
307 – Temporary Redirect
Tells the client that the resource is somewhere else, but
unlike the 303 it requires the method to be the same for the new request. See
303 also.
400 – Bad Request
Indicates bad syntax sent by the client. Often the result
of mangling something while using an intercepting proxy, or having an
inconsistent Internet connection that borked what the server received.
401 – Unauthorized
This is like saying you’re currently not
authorized, but it’s sent along with a WWW-Authenticate header that
tells you how you can try to prove yourself. This is in contrast to the 403,
which just says “no”.
403 – Forbidden
This is saying three things. 1) the thing you asked for is
there, 2) you don’t have access to it, and 3) you’re not allowed to ask for
access to it. This is in contrast to the 401 where you’re given the option to
404 – Not Found
The thing you’re asking for isn’t there.
405 – Method Not Allowed
You asked for a resource using a method that the server
does not allow.
408 – Request Timeout
The request took to long to complete, i.e. longer than the
server was prepared to wait.
500 – Internal Server Error
A generic error given when nothing more specific is available.
501 – Not Implemented
The server doesn’t understand or speak the requested
method. Often seen with PROPFIND requests.
503 – Service Unavailable (Fail Whale)
Twitter made this one famous.
* A more complete list of status codes can be found here.
Here are the main headers used by HTTP. For a more complete
list (including non-security-related ones) look here.
General (used by either side)
Tells the other side to either close or keep open the TCP
connection after receiving the message, e.g.:
Connection: close |
The MIME type of the body content of the message, e.g.:
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 |
The encoding type of the body of the message, e.g.:
Content-Encoding: gzip |
The size of the body in octets/bytes, e.g.:
Content-Length: 256 |
The encoding that was used to send the message, e.g.:
Transfer-Encoding: chunked Chunked encoding is used to avoid having to define an accurate message size before sending dynamic content, as it breaks it into pieces followed by a chunk of zero bytes. |
Request Headers (sent by the client)
Passes a cookie to the server that was previously set by
Set-Cookie e.g.:
Cookie: C=CKSdlekgie738FlweF8; Ver=2; |
This is the hostname that’s found in the URL being
requested; important because of servers hosting multiple domains; required in
HTTP 1.1, e.g.:
Host: |
Used to tell the server what page the link was clicked
from; should not be used to make security decisions as it is controlled by
the client; was misspelled in the original spec and remains so today, e.g.:
Referer: |
Tells the server that it’s sending authentication
credentials of a certain type, e.g.:
Authorization: Basic BTxhZGRpbjpbcGAuINMlc2FtZC== |
Tells the server what kind of browser the client is using,
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Plan 9) |
Tells the server what kind of content it’ll accept, e.g.:
Accept: text/plain |
Tells the server what kind of encoding it can accept,
Accept-Encoding: compress, gzip |
Response Headers (sent by the server)
Tells the server that the resource it requested requires
authentication; returns a status code of 401 e.g.:
WWW-Authenticate: Basic |
Sets a cookie on the browser that will be submitted in all
later requests; the most common “state” mechanism for HTTP, e.g.:
Set-Cookie: Hash=DHCndkd83Iuw09; Ver=2; |
Tells the client information about the server; a good way
to give an attacker information about how to hurt you, e.g.:
Server: Apache/1.3.27 (Unix) (Ubuntu/Linux) |
New in HTTP 1.1; used to tell the browser how to handle
caching, e.g.:
Cache-Control: max-age=3600, must-revalidate |
The old way of telling clients how to handle caching; is
ignored by many browsers; Cache-Control or Expiresshould be
used instead.
An identifier for a specific version of a resource to be
used with the If-None-Match header. Basically it’s a hash that the
client can send back to say, “Here’s my version of this specific resource; do
you have an updated one?”, e.g.:
ETag: "937065cd8d287d8af7ad7082f109582h" |
Tells the client that the content being sent expires at
the given time, at which point it will have to be requested again, e.g.:
Expires: Fri, 01 Jan 1900 00:00:00 GMT |
* Additional, excellent information on caching can be
found here.
There are three primary considerations when looking at how
HTTP proxies work: 1) whether you’re connecting to an HTTP vs. HTTPS resource,
2) whether the proxy is explicit or transparent, and 3) whether the proxy
requires authentication.
- Connecting
to an HTTP Resource
To connect to an HTTP resource through a proxy the client sends the full URL it wants to reach, including the protocol, host, and path. The proxy parses all that information and uses it to make its own new request on your behalf. - Connecting
to an HTTPS Resource
This won’t work for secure resources because an SSL/TLS handshake needs to occur, and we don’t generally want our corporate proxy seeing our bank details, or what have you. This is handled via the CONNECT method, which tells the proxy that it wants to be connected to the remote server at the TCP layer–not at the HTTP layer. The proxy returns a 200 response and from that point on you’re talking to the remote server, and you can then perform your handshake with the endpoint rather than the proxy in the middle. - Dealing
with Transparent Proxies and Proxy Authentication
The issue with transparent proxies is that a 407 can’t be used because the client doesn’t even know it’s dealing with a proxy. - Proxies
and Integrated Windows Authentication
Integrated Windows Authentication is one case that often has issues with proxies, but some vendors like BlueCoat have workarounds.
Cookies are used as a state mechanism, since none is built
into HTTP natively. There are a few points worth noting regarding cookies:
- Cookies
are critical to security because they involve the sever setting
information on the client, which it assumes the client will send back
unmodified. Many developers make that assumption, and as a result they
often place sensitive information within them which attacks can use to
break the security of the application.
- Cookies
are set on the browser by the Set-Cookie header from the server.
- Cookies
are meant to be transparent, so they’re sent to the server every time the
client makes a request.
- The
server can set multiple cookies by simply sending multipleSet-Cookie header
values. All cookie values sent to the client viaSet-Cookie are then
combined into a single cookie, which is then sent to the server with a Cookie header.
Each cookie is separated by a semicolon (;).
- A
major part of attacking web applications involves evaluating what sort of
information is stored in cookies by the server, and determining whether it
it can be deconstructed, manipulated, reconstructed, and re-sent to the
server to gain unauthorized access.
- For
security purposes, the following values can be included with cookies
within the Set-Cookie header: expires (creates
a persistent cookie, as omitting this value will create a cookie that will
expire when the browser closes); HttpOnly is supposed to
prevent javascript from accessing the given cookie, but this is not
foolproof;secure cookies will be sent only over HTTPS
connections; pathdefines a scope of validity for a given
cookie, e.g. /account/; domain specifies the domain that the cookie can be
used within–must be the same or a parent of the domain the cookie came
Supplemental Information
- In
HTTP version 1.1 the Host: header is mandatory.
- The
referer (sic) header was misspelled in the original spec, and it remains
so in the actual protocol today.
- URLs are actually a specific type of URI, so they are not the
same–despite what you may read or hear.
1 The one must-read book on Web Security is The Web Application Hacker’s
Handbook, by Dafydd Stuttard and Marcus Pinto.
2 Most everything you need to know about caching can be found here.
3 Wikipedia’s HTTP article.
2 Most everything you need to know about caching can be found here.
3 Wikipedia’s HTTP article.
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