Install Desktop GUI in Oracle Linux 6.5

Error while installing package Desktop - yum groupinstall 'Desktop'

Transaction Check Error: 
 file /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY from install of
rhn-client-tools- conflicts with file from package

This can be fixed by installing below two packages
oraclelinux-release and rhn-client-tools   (Refer Release notes Link)

After installing above two packages, reboot and you are set to launch Desktop GUI
startx will give issues if you are using su to another user
The logon process assigns the console ownership to the user who logons. If you su user then ownership of the console ownership remains with user who logged on. To avoid this login as the user and then startx.
Above fix is for Oracle Linux 6.5
Oracle Linux 6.5 installation Link


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