OAM Links

OAM OAuth Service Link to doc

Configuring Centralized logout for sessions involving 11g webgates  Link to docs
Configuring Apache, OHS, IHS for 10g Webgates   Link to doc    http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E25054_01/doc.1111/e15478/apch2ihs.htm#BABHEEBF

Part VII
Using 10g Webgates with Oracle Access Manager 11g
When your enterprise includes Web server types other than Oracle HTTP Server, you can install 10g Webgates to use with Oracle Access Manager 11g.
Part VII contains the following chapters:
Chapter 27, "Managing OAM 10g Webgates with OAM 11g"
Chapter 28, "Configuring Apache, OHS, IHS for 10g Webgates"
Chapter 29, "Configuring the IIS Web Server for 10g Webgates"
Chapter 30, "Configuring the ISA Server for 10g Webgates"

Installing webgate 10g  Link

OAM uses several cookies to authenticate a user and keep track of the user session. The 10g version uses ObSSOCookie which is actually a domain based cookie. With 11g version cookies can be set for each host.
OAM Cookies used for Single sign-on
SSO Cookies
SSO Cookie Set at User LoginSet ByDescription
OAM_ID cookieOAM Server Embedded Credential CollectorWhen a user attempts to access a protected application, the request comes to the SSO Engine and the controller checks for the existence of the cookie.
See Also: "OAM_ID cookie".
OAMAuthnCookie11g WebgateSet by each 11g Webgate that is contacted. Protected by the key known to the respective 11g Webgate and the OAM Server. A valid OAMAuthnCookie is required for a session.
Note: If the user accesses applications protected by different 11g Webgates, you will have multiple OAMAuthnCookies.
See "OAMAuthnCookie for 11g OAM Webgates".
ObSSOCookie10g WebgateA domain-based cookie for 10g Webgates is set only when a 10g Webgate is contacted. Protected with keys known to the OAM Server only. One global shared secret key for all Webgates.
Note: This cookie enables backward compatibility and inter-operability between Access Manager 11g and older agents.
See "ObSSOCookie for 10g Webgates"
OAM_REQOAM Server Embedded Credential CollectorA transient cookie that is set or cleared by the OAM Server if the Authentication request context cookie is enabled. Protected with keys known to the OAM Server only.
Note: This cookie is configured as a high availability option to store the state about user's original request to a protected resource while his credentials are collected and authentication performed.
See "OAM_REQ Cookie".
OAMRequestContext11g WebgateSet or cleared by the 11g Webgate and protected by the key known to the respective 11g Webgate and the OAM Server.
With Internet Explorer browser:
--When RequestContextCookieExpTime is not set, OAMRequestContext is a transient cookie.
--When RequestContextCookieExpTime is set, the OAMRequestContext cookie expires by the time set using the "Expires" directive. This requires a time sync between the client host and Web server host.
With all other (non-IE) browsers, when RequestContextCookieExpTime is not set OAMRequestContext expires in 5 minutes by default or by the time set using the "Max-Age" directive.
See Also: "OAMRequestContext"
Table 14-2, "User-Defined Webgate Parameters"
DCCCtxCookieDetached Credential CollectorFor detached credential collector (DCC)--similar to OAM_REQ created by embedded credential collector (ECC).
See "DCCCtxCookie"
OHS-host-portOracle HTTP ServerSet only when OSSO Agents (mod_osso) are contacted on Oracle HTTP Server (OHS). Protected with the key known to the respective mod_osso agent and the OAM Server.
Note: This cookie enables backward compatibility and inter-operability between Access Manager 11g and older agents.
See "mod_osso Cookies".
GITO cookieOAM ServerProvides backward compatibility and inter-operability between OSSO 10g and Access Manager 11g. The cookie is created by the OAM Server and accessed or modified by the OAM Server or mod_osso agent.
See "mod_osso Cookies".
OpenSSO cookieOpenSSO ProxySee "OpenSSO Cookie (iPlanetDirectoryPro)".
For details about configuring authentication and authorization policies, see Chapter 18, "Managing Policies to Protect Resources and Enable SSO".

What is the difference between DCC, Detached Credential Collector and ECC, Embedded Credential Collector
Refer Chapter 19 OFMW Administrator Guide for OAM which provides differences between DCC and ECC. Note: DCC is consider more secure than the default ECC configuration, so it is a good idea to use the DCC which is now available since 11gR2 version of OAM.


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