Using Jmeter with OAM Windows Native Authentication

Using Jmeter (Apache Jmeter) to test Oracle Access Manager windows native authentication, WNA
Discussion here  LINK
Jmeter is not a browser. You need to pass it parameters for authentication.
The HttpClient3.1 implementation defaults to pre-emptive authentication if the setting has not been defined. To disable this, set the values as below, in which case authentication will only be performed in response to a challenge.

  •   In the file set httpclient.parameters.file=httpclient.parameters and in httpclient.parameters set http.authentication.preemptive$Boolean=false
 Note: the above settings only apply to the HttpClient sampler.
OK. Finally I got what was missing.

First, I had to change the implementation of every request to HttpClient3.1
Second, it was really frustrating to see that JMeter documentation was misleading.
It says that the config file httpclient.parameters, should be edited as following:

Change this to true and it should work fine.


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