How to create Entitlement in OIM

How to create Entitlement in OIM

In OIM R2PS3 how to provide a user with high risk entitlements.

1.  Access Identity self service console as an admin.
2.  Clicked on Manage > Users.
3.  Searched for users with an organization "Foo".
4.  I found "TestUser123" and clicked on user login.
5.  Navigate to Entitlements sub tab and there is nothing listed.
6. Clicked on Request Entitlements.
7. Searched for "Foo" or "*" to find anything  however nothing is returned.
8. Under Categories I was hoping to find entitlement but none is found.

How can I create one so that I could add to cart and complete the process of providing high risk entitlement to a user "TestUser123"?

Answer:  Go with basic entitlement in OIM doc.  High level overview :
 -- You can make resource child table data  (if the child form exist ) as entitlement
-- then you need to run entitlement list schedule job

Question: Is entitlement the same as LDAP group name?
Answer: Yes if you mark group data as entitlement in child table.

How to create Entitlement in OIM LINK


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