How to recover all your tabs after closing the browser (chrome)

There are two ways you can recover all your chrome tabs after you have closed your browser or shut down your computer.  (Chrome browser)
(1) By saving bookmarks (bookmark all tabs)

KaFOFO said:

Here is just a quick explanation for how to do this using bookmarks. pauljharding I am not sure what you mean by "it's one step more" since you're basically doing the same thing if there was a button to "save session" unless you are talking about the extra step of naming your new bookmark folder. Anyway this will definitely help a lot of people who just want a solution for now until there is a "save session" option added:

Step 1: have all the tabs open which you want to save.
Step 2: right click one of the tabs, choose "bookmark all tabs".
Step 3: choose a name for the new folder for this session, click OK.

To reopen this folder just go to this bookmark folder you just created, right-click it then either choose:
"Open all bookmarks"
"Open all bookmarks in new window"
"Open all bookmarks in incognito mode"

The great thing about saving them as a bookmark folder is that you will always have it there (until you delete it) in case you accidentally close an important tab! I hope this helped, enjoy!!

(2) By chrome://settings
Short version: 
chrome://settings OR Drop-Down::Wrench->Settings;
"On startup" (second from the top);
Select "continue where I left off".
This actually allows you to use Wrench->Exit to close all tabs and windows and reload chrome with all tabs and windows open, also.  Pretty awesome.


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