Oracle Database username rules

Avoid using special characters in username with Oracle database or any of the Oracle Identity and Access Management products. Even though you can use special characters like asterisk, braces, backslash, frontslash etc, when creating a new userid in Oracle database, it is strongly discouraged to use special characters.

Here is a discussion about this in   LINK
The discussion provides example where the special character may get interpreted by the shell before the sqlplus. So one needs to use the relevant escape character to protect the special character, Linux or Windows.

I was able to create a user with backslash character but had to use the quotes to protect it from the shell.

username with various special characters were created successfully, like *, / , \. {, [. ? etc.
However bigger issue is how the userid will be treated when it is used in Oracle Access Manager, Oracle Identity Manager or any of scripts where it could be interpreted.
Link to discussion in Oracle forum   (Use of backslash in OAM.OVD/OID)
Refer to LINK to No 10 for the HTTP Header Variable which is the username of the authenticated user.


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