
DevOps as the name suggests is composed of two words, Dev and Ops, i.e. Development and Operations. Development as in Application or Software development and Operations as in IT Operations. Traditionally these two streams have been distinct with a strict boundary between the two work streams.

DevOps is a melding of these two work streams to bring in cohesion between the Development and IT Operations teams for better and transparent communication and collaboration.

Even though these are two different streams (Development and IT Operations) with specific skill set, DevOps (Dev and IT Ops) brings in faster and smooth deployment cycles. Earlier or traditional Development handing off to Operations was slow and had rigid deployments. If things broke in production, the version is sent back to Development for a fix with a bug report, Development would reproduce the issue, provide a fix and send to Operations for deployment. This traditional cycle from Application Development, to testing and finally to deployment in Operations introduced delays and lacked agility. DevOps philosophy promises to bring in faster deployment of code and Application to production. DevOps is an approach to software delivery. DevOps facilitates Development team think like Ops and Ops folks think like Dev. In other words DevOps breaks the silo mindset and introduces the culture of collaboration between the two teams, resulting in faster deployment of code into production. The focus of DevOps is on end to end responsibility of Application deployment and delivery, the lifecycle, from plan, design, build, test, release to deployment in production.

Devops is a Philosophy, not a methodology (yet)

Project Management has PMBOK published best practices
Agile has a Agile Manifesto

Framework, Methodology, Best Practice, Standard


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