Max Min Heap size for java

Q: Minimum and Maximum Heap size ?

Hi Friends,
Can someone let me know like the minimum and maximum sizes required ?
I mean , 
What's the default minimum and maximum heap sizes (should we assign) for a 32-bit operating system ?
What's the default minimum and maximum heap sizes (should we assign) for a 64-bit operating system ?
Assume my operating system was LINUX.
A: Minimum and Maximum Heap size ?

"Suppose say , if we observe lots of "FULL GC" occurring frequently.. What does this mean ?"
That the maximum heap space is reached frequently.
Another question that arises as well, what type of application are you dealing with. Is this an application that users are using, or is it an application that processes batches or something similar. In the first case you might want to check if you experience high pause-times due to these garbage collections, you could give the garbage collector some hints in what pause times you will allow (or by choosing a garbage collector strategy that runs concurrently). Note that it can also be a problem with the application, in the sense that it generates a lot of objects. For example, when the application performs adatabase query, how much data is that query collecting, and more importantly is that data really necessary. In the latter case you are not interested in pause time, but what the Java threads the have as much CPU-time as possible (and a garbage collection thread needs CPU too, of course), so in this case when you are dealing with very frequent garbage collections, you might want to increase the heap size (as this will less frequently trigger a full collection, i.e., you have more free memory to fill).
So based on the type of application, you might want to optimize for pause times (garbage collection pauses or minimized) or throughput (more CPU cycles for the application).
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I have set the minimum and maximum heap size to 512 M for the JVM. When I run my program, I keep gettting Java OutofMemory errors even though according to the Memory Window, I am only using about 100 M to run the program. I am using the NetBeans 5.0 IDE, so that's where I have the Memory Window. Can someone enlighten me as to how this is possible? The memory i am using shouldn't be anywhere near 512 M.
A: heap issue

The memory window in the IDE represents the memory useage of the JVM that the IDE is running in. When you run your program, it executes in a new VM with default memory settings.
To adjust settings for your project, right click on the project node and choose the properties menu. In the dialog which is displayed, select the Run node in the tree on the left. Enter the -Xmx arguments in the "VM Options" textfield. Do not prefix with -J as that is something special for the netbeans launcher executable.
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Hi there. I'm sure this question has been asked already, but my search of this forum didn't seem to find anything?
Is there a mechanism of supplying parameters to the Java Plug-in JVM, to control the minimum and maximum heap size, as there is with Java Webstart applications for example?
Thanks Neil
A: Specifying min max heap size as params?

"Java settings"->"advanced settings"->"Java Runtime Parameters"
add -Xmx128m , for example, to set a 128Mo max heapsize
idem with -Xms parameter for the min heapsize
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I have a file of 30MB to be written to the MySQL database. I am doing this in Axis web services and it gives me the following error:
(I am using Tomcat as the application server and Apache as the web server, Axis 1.3 and MySQL standard 5.0.21 version. I have set the minimum and maximum heap size and it works well without using the web service (just uploadingand downloading from the database using a simple java program). Another thing to notice is that I can send a file of almost 10MB size to the database using web service without any problem. But it doesn't work with the 30 MB .)
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space; nested exception is: 
     java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
faultCode: {}Server.generalException
faultString: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space; nested exception is: 
     java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space; nested exception is: 
     java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
     at org.apache.axis.message.SOAPFaultBuilder.createFault(
     at org.apache.axis.message.SOAPFaultBuilder.endElement(
     at org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializationContext.endElement(
     at[Show more]
A: OutofMemory Error while sending file to database using Web services

Sorry for the delayed response here, forget to add it to my watchlist. I didn't catch if you were using Java 1.5 or not. Prior to 1.5 the default maximum heap space was 64MB which with the overhead of the appserver might be your problem. 
Take a look at and the java -Xmx <size> command line option to change the default (I believe the size argument is in bytes, but don't hold me to that). I think you can pass that as a command line option to the startup script, but you should check the doco to see if it needs to be wrapped in some other arg etc.,
I seem to recall running into this same problem a few years back when I had a servlet doing some intense graphics processing on the fly and setting this option fixed the problem.
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Hi All,
I am having confusion for providing hardware configuration for OBIEE setup.
We have most probably IBM AIX machine on which we have to insall OBIEE.
The Client has asked for the hardware configuration for the Setup. What would be the ideal setup for more than 50 users. 
I have gone through the "System Requirement and Installation Guide for OBIEE" and it provide that it require 1Ghz Processor, 2GB Ram, some disk space like this.
But i also want some of the fact such as[b] what is the minimum and maximum heap size for OC4J and what is the optimum value of CPU cycle of the machine for good performance.
One thing more if i am buying OBIEE then Oracle appserver or OC4J license comes with that suite or i have to take seperate license for that.
Eagrly Waiting for reply. This will led to foundation of my first BI project.
Thanks in advance.
A: Setup requirement for OBIEE

Call the Oracle Sales rep for your client. They can recommend something specific. Perosnlly, I would use the following as a minimum:
2 CPU; 8GB Ram in a production environment. You can run the Presentation Services and BI Server on the same machine. You can cluster in the future for scalability.
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I am using the J2se 1.5.0_05 release of the JVM. I have customers that should get a lot of benefit from this feature. So, I have devised a test program to give us an idea of how much benefit will be derived and so that we can give our customers detailed instructions on how to use the feature.
I am trying to test the JVM and the test program using both the Windows XP Professional and the Suse Linux 10.0operating systems.
First Windows XP. The user code that runs the Java program has been granted the lock pages in memory. But regardless of whether the program is run with the -XX:+UseLargePages option is set on the Java command line, the program always seems to perform about the same. The Java command line also calls for a minimum and maximum heap size of 256M.
Second Suse Linux. The test machine has 3.8G of memory, the /proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages parameter has been set to 524, the /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax amd /proc/sys/kernel/shmall parameters have been set to 4294967295, and the /proc/sys/kernel/shmmni parameter has been set to 100. The Java command line calls for a minimum and maximum heap size of 256M. Again regardless of whether the program is run with the -XX:+UseLargePages argument, the program always seems to perform about the same.
The test program simulates thousands of messages being sent back and forth between the various entities of a large enterprise, and is very math dependent to calculate the numbers of items that the various enterprise entities are to manufacture, order, and deliver to customers.
The statistics on how long it takes the various enterprise entities to repsond to various types of messages is used to guage the performance of the JVM.
Our expectations are that if the JVM is keeping the entire heap in large pages and those large pages are pinned in memory, that the test program will perform orders of magnitude faster than when large pages are not used.
But all of our tests seem to indicate that the test program always performs about the same r...[Show more]
A: Trying To Use UseLargePages Option

Okay, I just found another article in this form written by dinoklein that seems to address my questions concerning Linux.
It indicates that the user running the Java program has to be able to lock memory and has pointed me in the direction of the /etc/security/limits.conf file to set that up. That seems in line with what I have found was needed in Windows. Both Windows and Linux require the user to be able to lock memory.
I will give that a try and see if that helps the Linux situation.
But, that has not yet helped the Windows situation. So, I would still like to know if there are other Windows options to which I need to pay attention.
Thank you for any help,
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I have a file of 30MB to be written to the MySQL database. I am doing this in Axis web services and it gives me the following error:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space; nested exception is:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
faultCode: {}Server.generalException
faultString: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space; nested exception is:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space; nested exception is:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
at org.apache.axis.message.SOAPFaultBuilder.createFault(
at org.apache.axis.message.SOAPFaultBuilder.endElement(
at org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializationContext.endElement(
at javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser.parse(
at org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializationContext.parse(
at org.apache.axis.SOAPPart.getA...[Show more]
A: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

My VM arguments are -XX:NewSize=128m -XX:MaxSize=128m -XX:SurvivorRatio=8 -Xms512m -Xmx512m. I set this in Eclipse 3.1.2 . I use axis 1.3 Operating system: Fedora Core . Yes I tried setting larger sizes even. It didn't work
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I have a file of 30MB to be written to the MySQL database. I am doing this in Axis web services and it gives me the following error:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space; nested exception is:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
faultCode: {}Server.generalException
faultString: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space; nested exception is:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space; nested exception is:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
at org.apache.axis.message.SOAPFaultBuilder.createFault(
at org.apache.axis.message.SOAPFaultBuilder.endElement(
at org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializationContext.endElement(
at javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser.parse(
at org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializationContext.parse(
at org.apache.axis.SOAPPart.getA...[Show more]
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I am getting out of memory exception with Weblogic 8.1 SP5. Our's is a webservice application and when testing webservices with XML of 8MB or more I am getting the error.
I checked all my code and there is no memory leakage. Current heap size is 512 MB(both minimum and maximum). Is there any permanant solution apart from increasing the heap size to 1 GB or more. Please help.
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We have created stand alone application using java swing. In our application we have read the text file (more than 100 MB). While reading that much size file we got "{color:#ff0000}java OutOfMemoryError: java heap space{color}" problem. For that we have set the minimum heap size as 10 and maximum as 128 MB. Does it cause any problem to JVM or any other software which are installed in my system? {color:#0000ff}Can we increase the heap size further?{color}
A: Increasing Heap size for java OutOfMemory Error?

If the application really needs more memory, you give it. If it's possible to change your implementations and you are going to do so, it doesn't need more memory.
What do you do with your text file? You read into your memory? If so, check how to stream from an InputStream directly into an OutputStream (like download a File from a server).
If you're displaying in a TextArea or something, here's a hint: when I open a 220MB logfile in UltraEdit, UltraEdit only needs 9MB of RAM ;)
Edited by: slowfly on 21.04.2009 16:41
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I have a webserver with weblogic510/SP6 and JDK1.2.2 running under windows NT. Recently we increased memory from 1GIG to 2GIG.
I have tried to change heap size to -ms512M -mx1532M
But I am getting error message "out of memory" during Weblogic server startup. 
I have tried to setup minimum heap size to 25% of available memory and maximum is 75% of available memory. But it didnt work. I am trying to allocate maximum available memory to application. Please someone suggest me best solution.
A: Java Heap

I have experienced a similar problem with wl510/sp9. I was able to set 320m / 2000m, but not 512M / 2000m. It wouldnt take 2048m for max heap size for some reason. Wierd part was it took 800m - 1200m bit not 512 / 1536 etc.
chaithanya wrote:
I have a webserver with weblogic510/SP6 and JDK1.2.2 running under windows NT. Recently we increased memory from 1GIG to 2GIG.
I have tried to change heap size to -ms512M -mx1532M
But I am getting error message "out of memory" during Weblogic server startup.
I have tried to setup minimum heap size to 25% of available memory and maximum is 75% of available memory. But it didnt work. I am trying to allocate maximum available memory to application. Please someone suggest me best solution.
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We have a load balanced environment running ColdFusion 10 Enterprise with 5 instances currently running. Currently we only have one instance being actively used but have been encountering a problem within a time frame of 12 to 36 hours (calculated on the times we have had to restart CF to come back online) the garbage collection is running almost constantly and CPU holds at 50% until the server just becomes unresponsive until the CF instance is restarted.
I have been monitoring the server via VisualVM to watch the CPU and Heap usage since I have found that running the server monitoring systems build into CF 10 Enterprise accelerate the problem to cause a crash within 4 to 5 hours.
This issue has been occuring regardless if there is heavy load or not on the server. I have been seeing some odd behaviour when running CF Stat where I am seeing 4 Requests Queued and Running Requests never shows anything other than 0. I increased the Minimum Heap Size to 512 MB and Maximum Heap Size to 1024 MB and below is our JVM arguments
-server -XX:MaxPermSize=192m -XX:+UseParallelGC -Xbatch -Dcoldfusion.home={application.home} -Dcoldfusion.rootDir={application.home} -Dcoldfusion.libPath={application.home}/lib -Dorg.apache.coyote.USE_CUSTOM_STATUS_MSG_IN_HEADER=true -Dcoldfusion.jsafe.defaultalgo=FIPS186Random
We are running on a Windows 2008 64 Bit and IIS 7.5 on both of the load balanced servers and have updated the server to ColdFusion 10 Update 2. I am aware of the issues that are being fixed in Update 3 that was removed last week by Adobe due to bugs introduced. 
If anyone has any insight in how to fix this issue, I would be greatly appreciative.  This is affecting a production server that did not show these problems when we put the servers under load when we did pre launch settings.
A: Garbage Collection and Constant CPU Usage

Further from your images - while it shows CF CPU at 50% the GC activity is 0%. 
So could be your not garbage collecting more than necessary and something else CF wise is taking CPU time.
What would be interesting is the Jconsole Memory tab Details section. It shows the time spent in minor and major GC's.  eg:
HTH, Carl.
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We are using weblogic 8.1 sp3 with the jdk1.4.2_05 (we do not use jrocket) for the implementation of some of our solutions.
We are trying to optimize performance generally on servers with 2 processors and 4-8Gb of RAM, and some exceptions such as for instance a test-machine we have at the moment with 4 processors and 20 Gb of RAM.
Although we seem to be able to improve performance by raising the settings for Xms and Xmx to 1024m ( even though our development tests done in the labs in Cary, NC - USA have resulted in recommendations that show lower values ) we would like to have some more info because not all info we have points to the same directions. For instance 
1. What are theoretically the maximum values for these settings (in particular Xms and Xmx)?
2. Should Xms and Xmx be set to the same value (as mentioned in info from your website - see below), or are there situations where different values could improve performance ?
3. Is there other general advice you can give for improving performance using these settings ?
Extra info pices inserted below.
Kind regards,
Jos van der Velden
SAS Portugal
Setting WebLogic Managed Server Memory Arguments
The following memory arguments for the WebLogic Managed Server are recommended by development:
-server –Xms512m –Xmx512m –XX:NewSize=64m
–XX:MaxNewSize=64m –XX:MaxPermSize=128m –Xss128k
-XX:-UseTLAB –XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC
These options can be specified via the WebLogic Administrator Console in the Arguments field under the Remote Start tab in the properties for the WebLogic Managed Server.
source: SAS installation manual (draft version)
-Xms and -Xmx 
Specify the minim...[Show more]
A: JVM tuning Xms Xmx etc

<Jos van der Velden> wrote in message
We are using weblogic 8.1 sp3 with the jdk1.4.2_05 (we do not use jrocket) for the implementation of some of our solutions.
We are trying to optimize performance generally on servers with 2 processors and 4-8Gb of RAM, and some exceptions such as forinstance a test-machine we have at the moment with 4 processors and 20 Gb of RAM.
Although we seem to be able to improve performance by raising the settings for Xms and Xmx to 1024m ( even though our developmenttests done in the labs in Cary, NC - USA have resulted in recommendations that show lower values ) we would like to have some more
info because not all info we have points to the same directions. For instance
1. What are theoretically the maximum values for these settings (in particular Xms and Xmx)?Theoretically the maximum is a memory space addressable by a process.
2. Should Xms and Xmx be set to the same value (as mentioned in info from your website - see below), or are there situations wheredifferent values could improve performance ?
For a production environment Xms and Xmx should be equal so that JVM doesn't
spend time shrinking and expanding heap.
3. Is there other general advice you can give for improving performance using these settings ?Generally it is a good idea to keep heap under 1G. Bigger heap means longer GC-s.
You may consider co-locating cluster nodes running in separate JVMs if you have
enough CPUs and extensive RAM. Generally 2 CPUs per weblogic instance is enough.
Slava Imeshev
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Hello - ,
what is the default maximum and minimum JAVA heap size in a WEB based JAVA application. I would also appreciate if some body can point me to the default values for all the input paramameters for java.exe.
A: JAVA Max. and Min. Memory size

the java command has defaults documented here
i'm not sure this is the same as for applets (if thats what you mean by WEB based application)
You can find out at runtime using
Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory(); // the hard limit
Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory(); // how much of the hard limit has been claimed
Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory(); // how much of the current total memory is free
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I have my machine with 8GB memory and 5gb swap space.
i have given Maximum heap size as 2gb and minimum as 2gb. and when i start jboss application server with this configuration i get 
Error occurred during initialization of VM
Could not reserve enough space for object heap
plz help.
A: Error occurred during initialization of VM

Memory limits vary with the machine's 32/64 bit architecture, the os, java (32/64 bit), and individual machine configurations and usage. There are many posts about this, this search list will lead you to a number of them, and the threads themselves will lead you to even more.
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We are running CFMX 7.01 Standard on Win 2003 Server in
single server configuration. Upgraded the memory from 1G (2-512) to
2G (2-1G) after a memory failure. Seeing we have more memory, we
changed the Minimum JVM Heap Size from 256 to 512 and the Maximum
JVM Heap Size from 512 to 1280.
Since doing so, jrun.exe runs using around 128mb of physical
memory and almost 1G of virtual memory/swap. 
Any one have any ideas on what may be causing the up in
virtual memory usage? Seems silly to be gobbling up all that swap
file when it still has almost a full gig of physical.
A: JRun using excessively large amounts of swap/virtual memory

Thanx for the feedback. But it doesn't seem to make a
difference. We decreased the MaxHeap and the virtual memory usage
went down, but the real issue/question is why is it taking up so
much virtual/swap when there is 1.5G of free physical memory
Looking at task manager, jrun is only using 128mb of physical
memory yet almost 600mb of virtual when there is 1.5G of free
physical memory.
This is our main production server that is running 1
Coldfusion website and MDaemon. MDaemon is used only for sending
out our website emails. There is a separate, dedicated company
email server for all other emails such as orders from the website
and all company emails. Our SQL server is also separate.
We also have a dev server that runs about 5 CF sites and a
handful of .NET sites. On that machine, jrun is using 350mb of
physical memory and max virtual memory usage is a little over
100mb. That has a setting of Max Heap of 512 and MaxPerm of 128.
This server probably gets beat up as much as the live seeing it
hosts the maint site for the website and the companies
intranet/reporting sites.
The only real setting differences except for the MaxHeap-Perm
is that the dev server is not set to save the class files. The
production server has more memory than the dev server yet it wants
to take more virtual memory than physical. I just don't get it!
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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I am facing issue with Java process in AIX Machine. The issue is Java Process takes around 3GB memory, which is not acceptable in our environment. 
We are running a Weblogic server in AIX environment with IBM JDK. JVM heap size is set to 512M for both maximum and minimum values. But still the process(java) is taking 3GB. 
But the same application only takes 0.7GB for process in some other box with Websphere(AIX) and IBM JDK.
Is there any reason to occupy such a huge memory by Java process in AIX? Is there any way to control it?
Environmental Details:
OS               :     AIX 5.2(Box is having 18CPUs and 14GB RAM)
Appserver          :     Weblogic 8.1 (SP4)
JDK               :     IBM JDK(1.4.2 ClassicVM)
JVM Command Parameters     :     -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -verbose:gc -Xgcpolicy:optavgpause
Below command has been to get the process size of Java process (I never seen process size as 3GB. It was told by server admin).
ps -eo user,pid,pcpu,vsz,time,args
Here, vsz - gives memory size. Any idea why this is happening?
Shanmuga perumal
A: Java Process takes around 3GB memory in AIX Environment

Are there any regular GCs happening?
If so the memory will shoot up high. Otherwise there should not be any problem with WebLogic.
Are you using HotSpot or Classic Version of the JVM?
BEA recommends some specific JVM type for AIX Box. Check the documentation and see what they recommend.
If not raise a BEA Ticket for this problem. They should be able to resolve it for you.
Thanks and regards,
Pazhanikanthan. P
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We are running Peoplesoft 8 HRMS using Weblogic 5.01 SP9 as the Webserver and JRE
1.2.2_006. We are seeing bad performance when we increase the number of concurrent
users on the system.
We see in the weblogic console, the java heap size reaches the maximum and reduces
to a minimum between every 1 and 3 mins. We think that is Garbage Collection (GC).
We wanted to independently confirm that thru verbosegc and try redirecting that
to a file. Unfortunately all that data goes to the DOS prompt that started the
weblogic server and it does not go to a file. 
Also, we want to confirm if what we are seeing in the weblogic console is indeed
A: verbosegc output cannot be redirected to a file

"Amit" <> wrote:
Hi ,
The Java Heap Size changes are most likely due to garbage collection.
Add "-Xverbosegc:file=tempfile.out" to your start up script to get the
output to an external file. 
eg : java -Xmx256m -Xms256m -Xverbosegc:file=tempfile.out -classpath
The output file may be created in some other directory than the one you
are checking
based on other environment variables set.
By the way which machine/os are you using. The option above works for
wls 6.0
on HP-UX 11 and JVM 1.3.0
"Giri A. Rao" <> wrote:
We are running Peoplesoft 8 HRMS using Weblogic 5.01 SP9 as the Webserver
and JRE
1.2.2_006. We are seeing bad performance when we increase the number
of concurrent
users on the system.
We see in the weblogic console, the java heap size reaches the maximum
and reduces
to a minimum between every 1 and 3 mins. We think that is Garbage Collection
We wanted to independently confirm that thru verbosegc and try redirecting
to a file. Unfortunately all that data goes to the DOS prompt that started
weblogic server and it does not go to a file. 
Also, we want to confirm if what we are seeing in the weblogic console
is indeed
Hi Amit,
Thanks for your note. We are running weblogic on W2000.
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Hi All, 
We have succesfully installed the HFM suite. Everyting works fine except Financial Reporting. When opening a report (after a time of inactivity) it gives an access denied error. After re-trying we are able to login again and everything works fine.
I've already increased the 'heap' size to 512 (minimum) and 1024 (maximum).
Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.
Kind regards, 
A: Instability when opening Financial Reports from Workspace in

The access denied error could be a Windows error with DCOM. You have to disable "Server2003NegotiateDisable" in the Windows registry. The solution is explained here: 
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We have a Java application running on the Sun 1.5.0_09 JVM on a Solaris 8 server. When we started the application, we set the heap size settings as follows: -Xms256m -Xmx256m. With these settings we have typically found that a call to Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() will return a constant value over time, because we essentially set the maximum and minimum heap size values to the same size. However, we have a couple of systems where the value returned by Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() is decreasing over time. Can anyone explain how the total heap size can decrease when it has been set to a constant value? Note that we didn't have this problem on 1.4.2. We have only seen it on 1.5.0.
A: totalMemory Decreases Over Time

could be because of memory leaks or incorrect settings of jvm parameters like heap size, survivor ratio resulting in infrequent GCs. How much time does it take to loose significant amounf of memory ? have you looked at heap graph ? Typically application server admin consoles show heap graphs ..
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We have two Win2k3 IIS CFMX webservers in a DNS roundrobin.
Periodically, they will report "JRun closed connection", and we
will have to restart CFMX to get it functional again. The errors
that show up in the CFMX error logs are:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native
at java.lang.Thread.start(Native Method)
... followed by a metric ton of:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Request timed out waiting for an
available thread to run. You may want to consider increasing the
number of active threads in the thread pool.
This occurs on both servers. Servers have 4gb ram, and 1280mb
minimum/maximum heap size (we were unable to get CFMX to even work
with larger than that). The JVM arguements we pass are:
-server -XX:NewSize=512m
-XX:MaxNewSize=512m -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m
-XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:ParallelGCThreads=8
-XX:+UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=0
-XX:SurvivorRatio=128 -Dcoldfusion.rootDir={application.home}/../
... memory on the jrun process is almost always maxed out at
~1400mb memory. There was some conjecture I read online (
) that hinted the problem might not be actual memory, but rather
thread limits from the OS. Does anyone have any advice?
Edit: We are running CFMX 7,0,2,142559
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I am running a Java application on the command line bash shell. I have a few JAR files in the directory and a few native libraries. When I run the application using the command line, all works fine. This is the command I use:
java -classpath MyGame.jar:log4j-1.2.16.jar:jme/jme-colladabinding.jar:jme-audio.jar:jme-awt.jar:jme-collada.jar:jme-editors.jar:jme-effects.jar:jme-font.jar:jme-gamestates.jar:jme-model.jar:jme-ogrexml.jar:jme-scene.jar:jme-swt.jar:jme-terrain.jar:jme.jar:jogl/gluegen-rt.jar:jogl/jogl.jar:jorbis/jorbis-0.0.17.jar:junit/junit-4.1.jar:lwjgl/jinput.jar:lwjgl/lwjgl.jar:lwjgl/lwjgl_util.jar:lwjgl/lwjgl_util_applet.jar:swt/windows/swt.jar:jbullet/jbullet-jme.jar:jbullet/asm-all-3.1.jar:jbullet/jbullet.jar:jbullet/stack-alloc.jar:jbullet/vecmath.jar:trove-2.1.0.jar:sceneMonitor/jmejtree_jme2.jar:sceneMonitor/propertytable.jar:sceneMonitor/scenemonitor_jme2.jar:sceneMonitor/sm_properties_jme2.jar -Djava.library.path="lwjgl/native/linux" -Xmx1024m -Xms768m -ea com.mygame.MainThis works fine and the application starts up as expected. LWJGL native library is loaded in and works fine as expected.
The problem occurs when I try to run this command via the shell using a shell script. Here is my script:
# Set the minimum and maximum heap sizes
if [ "$MYAPP_JAVA_HOME" = "" ] ; then
if [ "$MYAPP_JAVA_HOME" != "" ] ; then
    if [ -f "$_TMP" ] ; then
        if [ -x "$_TMP" ] ; then
            echo "Warning: $_TMP is not executable"
        echo "Warning: $_TMP does not exist"
if ! which "$_JAVA_EXEC" >/dev/null ; then
    echo "Error: No Java environment found"
    exit 1
_MYAPP_CLASSPATH="MyGame.jar:log4j-1.2.16.jar:jme/jme-colladabinding.jar:jme-audio.jar:jme-awt.jar:...[Show more]
A: Executing native library under Java - shell script problem

Thanks for the replies guys/gals.
I have modified the script and echoed my command that should be running under the shell script, it is:
java -classpath WcgFramework.jar:WcgPocSwordplay.jar:log4j-1.2.16.jar:jme/jme-colladabinding.jar:jme-audio.jar:jme-awt.jar:jme-collada.jar:jme-editors.jar:jme-effects.jar:jme-font.jar:jme-gamestates.jar:jme-model.jar:jme-ogrexml.jar:jme-scene.jar:jme-swt.jar:jme-terrain.jar:jme.jar:jogl/gluegen-rt.jar:jogl/jogl.jar:jorbis/jorbis-0.0.17.jar:junit/junit-4.1.jar:lwjgl/jinput.jar:lwjgl/lwjgl.jar:lwjgl/lwjgl_util.jar:lwjgl/lwjgl_util_applet.jar:swt/windows/swt.jar:jbullet/jbullet-jme.jar:jbullet/asm-all-3.1.jar:jbullet/jbullet.jar:jbullet/stack-alloc.jar:jbullet/vecmath.jar:trove-2.1.0.jar:sceneMonitor/jmejtree_jme2.jar:sceneMonitor/propertytable.jar:sceneMonitor/scenemonitor_jme2.jar:sceneMonitor/sm_properties_jme2.jar -Djava.library.path="lwjgl/native/linux" -Xmx1024m -Xms768m -ea com.mygame.MainI am more confident that now the shell script should be fine (I am a shell script noob) because this very command if I copy from terminal and paste into the terminal, runs the application no problem at all. But I am amazed that it is still not working. I must be doing something obviously wrong. :-(
I used the code as suggested:
_VM_PROPERTIES='-Djava.library.path="lwjgl/native/linux"'I am stumped!? :-(
Thanks for help.
Read other 9 answers

i have defined a minimum and maximum lot size in my FG, yet it still is proposing whatever it is listed in the SO qty. my strategy is 20. and lot sizing procedure is EX. have i forgotten something, maybe config of the availability check?
A: minimum and maximum lot size not considered in MTO!!

Hi Raf,
You can have for MTO Strategy 20, at the max you can have Rounding Values.
If your requirement can be fulfilled with Rounding then you need to maintain the below settings.
Transaction : OMI4
MTO Lot Size: "1" Lot-for-Lot with rounding.
Hope this helps..
Read other 6 answers

Is there a limit to maximum heap size. I know for EP6 SP2 the limit was 1536 mb.
Message was edited by: Prakash  Singh
A: EP6 SP4(NW04) and maximum heap size

First, the tuning guide suggests to start with 1024 and increase when you feel performance is suffering - and also do some validation that the larger heap is usefull.
Second, the paradigm has shifted from SP2 - as long as you have CPU capacity it is better to add more server processes with samller heaps. The old 1.5 CPUs / server still holds.
Third, the limit depends on your OS, ~ 2GB+ for 64 bit architectures.
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On an application running in Windows server 2008 environment with two quad core processors and 16GB of RAM
I ran a multi-threaded process with maximum heap size set to --xMx12000M which was returning a CPU utilization of 12% which was too low although the process was running ok. When increased this setting by 1000M , the CPU utilization went up to 100% which would be the intended figure for this application. Can setting the heap size too low cause this sort of CPU under utilization without throwing an OutOfMemory exception? From an operating system perspective neither run was causing any visible memory issues..                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ...[Show more]
A: maximum heap size setting and cpu utilization

nry2006 wrote:
On an application running in Windows server 2008 environment with two quad core processors and 16GB of RAM
I ran a multi-threaded process with maximum heap size set to --xMx12000M which was returning a CPU utilization of 12% which was too low although the process was running ok. When increased this setting by 1000M , the CPU utilization went up to 100% which would be the intended figure for this application. Don't attempt to measure your applications performance by CPU utilization.
Measure how much work (whatever it is doing) it does at different heap settings.
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What is the maximun heap size supported by jrockit_160_05 - 32 and 64 bit. I want allocate 4GB of heap size to each managed server, so which version of jrockit is better to use. The weblogic version I am using is
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Hai All,
           Can anyone please tell exactly from which table we can get the data "Minimum and max lot size".
Is it "MAST" or "PLKO" or "MARC"?
A: Minimum and max lot size

Hi Kavitha,
check with the table MARC and the fileds BSTMI (Minimum lot size ) BSTMA  ( Maximum lot size )
for more info
Re: Table for Lot size.......
hope it helps you.
Edited by: Prasanth on Mar 7, 2009 7:26 PM
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I am looking for information on maximum heap size for JVM, if -Xms is set to some value (greater than 2 MB, say 32 MB ) and -Xmx is not specified.
Is the maximum heap size is governed by RAM (say 512 MB) on the machine and set to half the RAM size (256 MB in this specific case) or is it set to -Xms+64MB (96 MB in this specific case) ?
Thank you for your time.
A: Maximum Heap Size

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I define minimum and maximum amounts for a Wage type in 'Define Pay Scale Salary ranges' but it is not working.
In infotype 8 Annual Salary is showing 0.00
A: Minimum and Maximum amounts of a wage type

That is one location you could maintain the pay structure. Another place which is the same table is under
Personnel Management -> Compensation Management -> Job Pricing 
In the area where you define your pay type, pay area, and reference salary with the start date and end date, towards the bottom there is a place where it ask you if you want to check for the range. You could specify to warn you, hard stop error, or no error. 
This is how it works..
When you configure your pay structure with the min/max/midpoint in the pay table, you will configure it as "Annual Salary". So the frequency will need to be selected as "Annual" not monthly or any other. 
In infotype 0008, when you enter in the annual salary, "IF" IT0008 is configured properly, it will auto calculate the wage type value based upon the workschedule assumption. 
So let say the wage type config is usually set in accordance to the payroll area frequency of pay (also T510W controls it as well). Weekly, Bi-weekly, semi month, monthly etc. 
The annual salary amount you enter will check back against the pay structure, given you have the right pay type, pay area, pay grade, and pay level matching the pay structure combination you've created. If the config is set to warn only, it will warn you saying the new annual salary amount is not within range. If it is set to error, you get a warning, but can't save at all. Or set to no error wher eyou don't see any error. there is an article there that sort of explain basic pay usage.
Read other 8 answers

we have maintained minimum and maximum amount for withholding tax base amount for section 194j at tax code level.
minimum base amount is Rs 20000/-.
we have booked the invoice Rs10000/- at the time tds was not deducted because tax base amount is Rs10000/-. now iam booking vendor down payment Rs15000/-. now it is not deducting TDS. my doubht is already we have Rs 10000/- invoice amount now we are giving Rs15000/- advance. it is crossed the our max base amount limit Rs20000/-. why it is not deducting the tds while booking the downpayment.
please give me any solutions on this issue.
A: minimum and maximum amount for withholding tax base.

Can you let me know, where is the option to opt for maximum amount at individual payment level or gross level. I did not find that option in customizing.
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we want to configure minimum and maximum allowed order qty in STO for  our internal stock transfers.
plz suggest the config steps to be follow for deploying this activity.
A: minimum and maximum allowed order qty

I think this requirment is for  Retail industry, like stock transfer between stores, clarify
Its not possible in standard I hope, because its purchase order related, check with ABAPer you can implement BAPI and control this setting error message if quantity is differ from Min and max you entered. system should not save the STO if quantity is mismatch, you can achive this through User exist or BAPI.
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we want to configure minimum and maximum allowed order qty in STO for our internal stock transfers.
plz suggest the config steps to be follow for deploying this activity.
A: minimum and maximum order qty

My requirement is for intercompany stock transfers scenario.
assume that there are plants 101 and 102, when ever STO through ME21N is occuring system should cross check with minimum order qty for given materials failure of which system should give error message, same way from supplying plant system should check minimum delivery qty for receiving plant failure of which system should give error message and should not allow for outbound delivery.
suggest the process need to configure.
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I got a question about the recommendation what I should set "Maximum heap size" to. I got a server that runs some oracle applications and it is based om SLES 9 SP3 32bit and it got 6GB of ram. Could it be problems with the 6gb of ram in the machine.
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I need to set the maximum heap size of the JVM. I know that I can do 
it for a single run by saying:
java -Xmx75M example.class
But how do I make the JVM use this maximum heap size for all its 
runs, without specifying '-Xmx75M' in every run. 
I need this because I am using my system as a server for JSP web 
site. For that site if a very simple query is given such as 'a' in title, as many as 6000 
records as retrieved from my Filemaker Databases and the java 
ResultSet object is not able to handle those records. The system is 
then throwing an exception and error message 'Host not found' is 
sent back to the client's browser. As far as I know, Filemaker does 
not support 'LIMIT' keyword in queries.
So please tell me how can I rectify that problem.
Thanks in advance,
niranjan maturi
A: maximum heap size of JVM

I tried setting TOMCAT_OPTS. The maximum I could go in my system is 1300M 
i.e. set TOMCAT_OPTS="-DXmx=1300m". 
Still I am having the problem that when some 5000 records are fetched from the database, the ResultSet object is not able to handle them. It is able to handle upto 2000 records. I am using windows2000, jdk1.3.2 and Filemaker Pro 5.0 databases. 
I tried to set the maximum number of records that can be retrieved to 2000 so that the problem will be solved. But I am not able to set that as well. I did:
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("standard statement");
PreparedStatement pstmt = con.prepareStatement("select id, pubyear, Checkedoutby, >>callnumber from mprrc_materials");
ResultSet rs3 = pstmt.executeQuery();Its giving the error:
java.lang.AbstractMethodError at that setFetchSize() statement.
I guess the JDBC driver provided by Filemaker Pro does not support that. So what can be done to solve the problem.
Niranjan Maturi
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I am trying to set the maximum heap size for a java process in a 64bit JVM . I am not able to set more then 3G
command line config:
java -Xms64m -Xmx3g com.superpages.puboptions.CampaignFeedStarter >> publisher.out 2>&1 &
Hardware / software configs
*$uname -a*
SunOS labsbear 5.9 Generic_122300-19 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-V440
*16GB total physical memory*
*4 processor machine*
*64 bit JVM*
where is this limitation coming from. How to set the heap size to 6g.
Thanks for your time
A: Maximum heap size for 64bit JVM

You need to use the -d64 switch to request the 64-bit JVM. E.g.,$ java -showversion -Xmx6g HelloWorld
Invalid maximum heap size: -Xmx6g
The specified size exceeds the maximum representable size.
Could not create the Java virtual machine.
$ java -showversion -d64 -Xmx6g HelloWorld
java version "1.6.0_07"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_07-b04)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 10.0-b23, mixed mode)
Hello world!
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   How much minimum/maximum default of memory do we need to run welogic domain for OSB ? I know we can use java comand with Xmx and Xms to set amount of memory to run domain. I want to know minimum and maximum default when we start domain.
Many thanks.
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Hello friends,
Can anyone tell me how to maintain minimum quantity in sales order, (Not Minimum order quantity of material master) as only maximum (target) quantity is maintainable in sales order at Item level? So after this development in sales order, one can enter two quantities (minimum and maximum) so that sale can be done between this quantity range.
I know this is not possible without exits or developments, but please tell if someone has came across the same scenario which exits used by you.
Thanks in advance
Warm regards
A: Minimum and maximum quantities in sales order

Min/Max quantity by sales order line items, but not by material?
You can have your abapper code the Additional Data B screen user exits at the line item level.  You will add two quantity fields - min qty and max qty.  You will also have to code USEREXIT_CHECK_VBAP to enforce the rule that order quantity is between the limits.
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Alright, so I am asking for 10 inputs from a user that are 10 test grades from 0-100. Afterwards, i am supposed to output the minimum of the values, the maximum of the values, and the average. The problem is, when i compile and run the file, the minimum and maximum values come out as the same number...I'm not sure how else to write the program to fix that..hellppppp????!!
/* ExamGrades
import java.util.*;
import java.text.*;
public class ExamGrades
  public static void main ( String [ ] args )
    Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
    DecimalFormat answer = new DecimalFormat( "#0.00");
    int grade;
    int min = 0;
    int max = 0;
    double total = 0;
    for( int i = 1; i <=10; i++)
      System.out.print( "Please enter an exam grade between 0 and 100");
      grade = scan.nextInt();
      if ( grade >= 0 && grade <= 100)
        max = grade;
        min = grade;
        total += grade;
        if( grade < min)
          min = grade;
        if ( grade > max)
          max = grade;
      double average = total / 10;
      System.out.println( "The minimun value of your exam grades is " + min);
      System.out.println( "The maximum value of your exam grades is " + max);
      System.out.println( "The average of your exam grades is " + answer.format(average));
A: Minimum and Maximum

guitarlady3000 wrote:
Well, I don't really see whats exactly wrong, since i am using a for loop, every time it executes the grade is going to be a different number,Every time through the loop, you set both max and min to the current number.
5, 8, 9, 1, 7
max=5, min=5
max=8, min=8 Is 8 really the smallest number found so far?
max=9, min=9 Is 9 really the smallest number found so far?
max=1, min=1 Is 1 really the biggest number found so far?
max=7, min=7 Is 7 really both the biggest and the smallest number found so far?
so from the first input, that input is the min and max as of then, so i set the min and max to the grade.But you're doing that for every number.
There are two basic approaches.
1) As you're trying to do know, blindly initialize max and min to the first number--because, as you stated, it is both the largest and the smallest found so far, because it's the only one we have. Then for subsequent numbers only set max or min to that number if it's greater than max or less than min, respectively. That's where you're going wrong. You're setting max and min to every input, and then you're checking that input against max/min. But by this point the previous max/min are gone.
2) Initialize max to the smallest possible value you can get, or smaller. Initialize min to the largest possible value you can get, or larger. Then no special handling is required for first input vs. subsequent inputs.
Edited by: jverd on Oct 6, 2008 4:47 PM
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Dear All,
Can any one help me by telling that is there any way system automatically defining minimum quantity and maximum quantity, i know that if we define it in the material master then while MRP run it will pick up if it is on minimum level i wanna know is there any way that system suggest itself minimum and maximum on base of history of transactions.
Qasim Malik
A: Minimum and maximum quantity

How we can maintain the minimum / maximum level in the material master, is there any report to find out the minimum / maximum level of the material.
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Hi Experts
i am new to MM i will appreciate if someone can help with the steps to be taken for the following scenario. i want to have minimum stock level and maximum stock level, also have a re-order point. I want that whenever the minimum stock level is reached the system automatically generates a purchase requisition. what settings do i need to do to achieve this.
A: minimum and maximum stock level

Your requirements: 
i want to have minimum stock level and maximum stock level,
... lot size is EX lot for lot order qty. Is there no way do maintain as per my requirement with this MRP type and lot size
are by definition incompatible.  EX by definition means that when you have a shortage, the system will propose exactly enough to meet the shortage.  If the shortage is for a quantity greater than the max, the system will still cover the shortage.  It is possible, then, that stock will exceed max from time to time. 
Within PD, you can get similar functionality to 'reorder point' by placing your 'minimum' number as 'Safety stock'.  When the projected available stock falls below Safety stock quantity, the next MRP run will propose a replenishment order. 
Best Regards, 
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My game runs slow on 6600. So I checked the game's memory consumption with WTK memory monitor. Memory consumption is about 50kb-70kb ... and it goes upto 400kb (for 2 seconds and return to 50kb) whenever fire button is pressed.
According to the tutorials i read , Nokia's heap size is 3MB. 
One person said it is around 700kb.
Whatever it is my game should run at normal speed right?
So what might be the probem with my app ? 
Note: A doc by Nokia says that Runtime.freememory() does not return the actual free memory).
So what tools should i use and what are the other game optimization issues should i consider about . 
(I tried most of the things what is said in Billday's doc also)
Please suggest what i could do to run my game at normal speed.
Thankx in advace!
A: Maximum Heap size for better performance

You could try using these tools: . They will help you control memory consumption and garbage behavior. The libs also take a fair amount of memory space, so it is not always very efficient to use.
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Developing a memory - intensive application, I'm currently limited by the heap size of my jvm. Using -Xmx or -XX:AggressiveHeap options did not help : I'm still unable to allocate more than 1GB (50% of my RAM) to my jvm. When setting -Xmx to more than 1GB, the java command fails with "Could not create the Java virtual machine" error
I'm using JSE5.0 on a 2 CPU - 2GB -32 bit Windows XP 2002 professional.
Is that a limitation of Windows 32-bit ? I've read that Windows kidnaps 50% of RAM for kernel/system purpose...
I'm also using the "-server" option for performance reason : may that be influent on available heap size ? 
Can any one help me ? 
A: maximum heap size limitations on Windows 32-bit

You should be able to use up to 1.5 Gig (-Xmx1500M) safely (as long as you don't create too many threads. If you fiddle with windows settings you can persuade windows to only use 1 gig of address space for the OS (rather then the normal 2) this will allow you to use up to 2.5G for heap.
Note that this problem is not caused by the amount of physical memory you have installed in the computer. It is a limitation imposed by the fact that a process on a 32 bit OS/machine can only ADDRESS 4Gig of ram. 2 gig of that address space is normally reserved for use by the OS (high 2 gig). The other 2 gig of address space can be used by the process itself (low 2 gig). That low 2 gig also has to load any static libraries and map any shared libraries reducing the available address space to about 1.5 to 1.8 gig. 
The stack created for each thread also comes out of this "low" 2Gig (and is not part of the java heap). Therefore if you need to create lots of threads it is best to keep your max heap size below 1.5G.
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I have a Windows 2003 64-bit server w/ 20GB that I'm running the 32-bit VM on. For the past several months I have been able to run VMs with the maximum heap set to 1500M. Recently I am no longer able to allocate 1500M. The maximum I can get now is about 1024M. The system has over half of the physical memory available when I'm am trying this allocation. 
What could cause this change in behavior? The system experienced several OS patches and upgrades recently. Is it possible that these are causing Java to be unable to allocate a 1.5GB continugous memory space? After a bit of googling and discussions with others I am told that a new DLL could potentially be splitting up my virtual address space and preventing me from ever getting a continguous allocation of more than a gig. Is there anyway to confirm this and figure out what the culprit is? I was directed to vadump or ProcessExplorer but I haven't been able to parse the output well enough to determine what's going on. 
Thanks in advance.
A: maximum heap size suddenly decreased

Found my answer...
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When migrating an application from JDK1.4.2_12 to JDK1.5.0_10,it was seen that the max. heap size that was set using -Xmx had to be reduced from 1.5 GB to 1.3 GB on a win32 machine inorder to create JVM successfully. Any pointers to what in Java 5.0 could have brought about this change is highly appreciated.
(Please note that I understand how heap size allocation works w.r.t virtual memory on win32.)
A: Maximum Heap Size in Java 5

Because the VM foot print got bigger of course.
That has happened with every version of the Sun VM.
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If we want to install BI Publisher on Red Hat, what would be the minumum and maximum version of the Red Hat required for successful installation?
In case we have Red Hat version 5.8, will BI Publisher be compatible.
A: Minimum and Maximum Version of Red Hat to install BI Publisher
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I am currently running JBoss server on Window Server 2003, with 2 Gb of memory. JVM is set at 1.5Gb as the max memory heap size. Should I upgrade window server to 4 Gb of memory, can I set Xmx at a higher value (say 3.5Gb)? Is there any technical limitation I need to take into account? say.. 80% or 90% of available physical memory available?
A: Maximum Heap Size (Xmx) on JVM

This has been ask over and over again in the forums.
See for an answer.
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I am currently running JBoss server on Window Server 2003, with 2 Gb of memory. JVM is set at 1.5Gb as the max memory heap size. Should I upgrade window server to 4 Gb of memory, can I set Xmx at a higher value (say 3.5Gb)? Is there any technical limitation I need to take into account? say.. 80% or 90% of available physical memory available.?
A: Maximum Heap Size (Xmx) on JVM

This would be a good question to post in the JVM forum. Perhaps you could also search the forums and see if there are any previous posts that are similar to yours.
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